The Elephant in the Room

Okay, so it’s been a few days. I’ve been busy, and I finally submitted the first round screenplay to the NYC Midnight Screenwriting Challenge along with promoting my friend’s show “My Gimpy Life.” Teal and her team are interviewing five candidates this week to fulfill the position of Social Media Coordinator, hopefully. Good luck to my friend Jessica Rose who has an interview today with MGL.

       Over the last couple of days, during my hiatus from blogging, a significant issue has arisen in my life, which has inspired me to write this blog. I have had a couple of hiccups with my aide care. When these issues first occurred, I wanted to blog, but I didn’t because I would have come across as bitter and angry if I had. Now I can blog about it because I am removed from the situation. I am not upset and angry but just disappointed in my generation and their dealings with others. This blog has not only addressed disability issues, but it will handle a generational issue as well.

       We are all familiar with the phrase, “Actions speak louder than words,” but do we ever really pay attention to what that means? Although I have not held a paying job at this point in my life, I am pretty intelligent, and I understand the value of a dollar. I also have dealt with personal care workers for quite a while. And I know that this type of employment is unlike any other profession. It differs from any other profession in many ways.

One of which is expected while others are not. That outside of the unique situation that is the job of personal care can see a misunderstanding. The obvious way that aide care is different from any other profession is that there is no privacy. The most intimate functions are shared between two people. When a person has to use the bathroom, they need other people. When a person has an accident, they need other people. This, in and of itself, can both cause some incredibly funny moments. Still, it can also lead to the development of another way in which personal care is different from other forms of employment. I have been warned against it many times, but I find it impossible not to become friends with the person or persons who take care of me. When somebody is intimate with your privates or puke, you have to have goofy conversations to offset the awkwardness. Eventually, the aide usually quits, or you develop a deep bond and understanding because not everyone can relate to what you two are going through. This closeness and friendship often cause one to forget a very important element of the aide care job. It is indeed a job, and your client is often extremely dependent on you. In my case, for example, to put in a funny way, I am like a giant baby with a brain and a sense of humor.
       Many disabled people would not like this analogy, but if they were honest with themselves, they would find an accurate description of our situation. As for me, for example, I am fully dependent on others for everything. If there is a snot booger coming out of my nose and I feel it dripping down into my mouth, I have to ask others to wipe it. Some of these tasks may gross the caregiver out, but if they sign up for this job, then that is what they signed up for. Except for my awesome finger and its shitty driving skills, I can’t move. I am also physically dependent on people to get me in and out of bed. Other disabled people are in similar situations. Some caregivers have an interesting perspective on the fact that we are dependent on them. Some aides view it as doing me a “favor.” Yes, I admit that I would be screwed without help but let me give a quick English lesson. The word “favor” means doing something and not getting something in return. Hence, aide care is not a favor to any disabled person or me because aide care workers draw a paycheck!

It might be a shitty paycheck, but it’s still a paycheck. If one were in the real world and refused to do specific duties, their boss would not put up with it. However, I included, along with other disabled people, have to put up with it. Why is this, you might ask? Simply because we are so dependent on people, some give and take in aide care relationships. Still, my generation does not understand the difference between working for a friend and working in general. Yes, you are friends with your clients in most cases but don’t abuse the friendship and produce a substandard care level just because you know we have to deal with it. Or, as a former friend of mine said to me (when he was training someone on how to be a personal caregiver), “You should always take care of a person as if you’re going to be in their shoes tomorrow.”

Initially, after the last aide care bump in the road, I have to say that I was bitter and angry, and I had a poor pitiful “me” moment. However, that didn’t get me anywhere. I soon realized that this would be a part of my life, not a fun part, but a part of my life nonetheless. I also soon realized that I was angry at the situation as much as I was mad with my generation. For the most part, in my opinion, my age is so self-absorbed, and altruism is a word most do not know. They put no stock into being on time and no value into a commitment. This does not only apply when it comes to personal care purposes for entirely dependent people. I’ve found this applies to other areas of life as well.

When this occurs, it causes significant issues for several reasons. Apart from the unreliability that results from people not taking responsibility seriously, it also creates other problems. I live independently from my parents, and they live six hours away, and they freak out every time I have an aide care issue. This is understandable, but freaking out does not do anything, and it only exacerbates the problem. Many people ask me why I tell them about my issues. I tell them because I need someone to vent to before I drive my chair straight through a wall. However, telling them is both a positive and a negative thing. Telling them allows me to get out of my frustration, but it also allows them to respond with the following. “Well, you shouldn’t have to live that way!” or something similar to that.

I agree with their romantic view, but that is not my reality. I should not live that way, but I do, and for a couple of days after the latest incident, I wondered how I was going to deal with this reality of my life. During this period, I ended up getting miffed at my generation. Now one might ask, how do I connect the problems I’m having with a personal care issue into a generational commentary on the sad state of affairs today. Well, the only answer I have for that is I’ve always been an old soul. I think way too much, and I have a unique way of looking at things. This example is a perfect one. With my aide care situation, I realize something. Not all my aides were acting that way. It got me thinking since when did people not value their word or commitment?

As I’ve stated before, I feel that my generation is the most self-absorbed and selfish generation that I’ve ever met. Altruism was not a word that we learned, and we are more concerned with what other people think along with what other people are doing compared to what we should be doing. How does this relate to aide care? Simply put, some of those who are around my age do not view this as a job because they are close to me in age. They view it as being able to hang out with somebody and get paid. A key example, I’ve had aides who will “refuse to do certain tasks because I have other shifts that can do it for me.” Or they are tired or took the job because they needed time to sleep—or sometimes even money. They’ve also said that other shifts can do it for me in general. This has occurred in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, and when I was living at St. Andrew’s in North Carolina.

This is not only the dumbest philosophy that I’ve ever heard, but people often forget that one would not be able to pick and choose what they do at particular jobs in the real world. You can either do something all the way or not at all. There’s no room for someone who does their job half-assed. When you pick and choose what you desire to do in a personal care position, it can cause problems, and these are not easily fixable.

Often it is hard for the person being “refused” to say anything because they don’t want to lose the warm body, i.e., the person who’s helping them, and their support system often doesn’t understand this. Even their parents or their service coordinator say that the caregiver should not dictate the care, and in an ideal world, this is what one desires. However, if a caregiver decides to show up several hours late, nothing can be done about it. I’m not speaking about any caregivers in particular because I’ve had several that have done this.

Before I continue, a quick aside to show that I understand things from the caregiver’s perspective. When you get into private one-on-one the care, I am sure it is different than working for thirteen people or even forty people where you have a break from the individual, and you have other co-workers to vent to. I also believe that it is not right that caregivers should be at a client’s beck and call. I admit I have been guilty of this. I am not dodging my responsibility at all. I feel that a majority of disabled people (as I’ve said myself included, and earlier portions of my life) have the belief that the aide is there to serve them. This is not the case.

The aide is there to help them. That being said, I come to my next point. I also believe that anyone who does not understand the dynamics of the relationship between a caregiver and a client has no right to comment about what is going on between them regarding how well a particular aide is doing their job. Yes, I do believe that aides are often underappreciated and underpaid, and this needs to change. Like I said before, though, both parties have responsibilities to create a healthy client/aide relationship. And a note to all prospective aides, do not use this as just a stepping stone job because it is not a job one can take lightly! It is not like working at McDonald’s. If you are late, give your client the courtesy of informing them because they rely on you for everything. At this point, I’m not just talking about me. I know one person in particular who was stuck in bed for several days because she had no one. Again, back to the disappointment that I have in my generation.

My generation seems to think that everything should revolve around them. Altruism and responsibility are words of a foreign language to most individuals in my age, but the most unheard concept in my generation is a “promise” that is kept. A lot of people promise someone the world, but how many of them follow through? Not very many. Since when did our word become worthless? It is okay to tell someone, “No, I don’t think I can help.” in that situation. It is okay to tell someone how you feel. Not only is my generation skittish about being honest with their peers, but also, if their peer is in some form or another disabled, then this skittishness is magnified.

I am not expecting society to change overnight, but honesty must exist in the field of aide care. If you know you are not going to fulfill duties, you need to tell someone. Whether it is either about not being able to get there on time physically or if your client is asking you to do something that you don’t want to do, then you need to either discuss it with them or if it an essential piece of the aide care description then re-look at your job description. If you are uncomfortable with your duties, then get out of the aide care business!

A final note to my parents and any other parents of disabled people who might be reading this. The realities presented in this blog are much different than I’m sure the reality that you have envisioned for me, but they are the realities that I live with. People are not going to change overnight, but it is only through communication and action that change will occur. No one’s life is silky smooth. You guys only freak out because my current goals seem a lot larger than yours. Just because you freak out about them doesn’t mean it fixes the situation. Eventually, it might make me talk about the situation less to you. Not because I do not love you and your opinion but simply because constantly reminding of how my life should work out in a caregiving sense does not help me come up with solutions for what is occurring in my life.

In closing, I don’t know who will read this blog and what emotions it will inspire in people. I thought it needed to be written to discuss significant elephants in the room that disabled people and their caregivers often ignore.







  1. I am so glad you wrote this. I have spent the last week going through "in service trainings" for my new job. I learned some great information about how to properly transfer someone and about some dietary practices that I was unfamiliar with. Perfect example, they showed us the thickener that is put in water for some people to eat because their bodies are unable to handle the liquids properly. Do you remember about the times at St. Andrews we would order those chicken wings and pass them around freely without a thought? It's difficult for me to imagine what it would feel like to not be able to drink my water. How could I? I do appreciate though that life is unpredictable and at some point in my life I may understand what that is like. I have learned through life's spills and thrills to respect what you do not understand.
    While my job does not require direct personal care, I am responsible for transferring riders safety and lending a hand if need be if a situation occurs. One girl said something like "I'm never going to have to do these things, I shouldn't have to learn this." I offered her the possibility that she doesn't know what the future may hold. Who knows if these skills may come in handy for a loved one at some point. These are skills of compassion that everyone should be trained in. In my humble opinion anyways.
    These are my thoughts on challenges. Everyone faces challenges. Some of which no one may even be aware of, such as mental illness. These can be so devastating because they are often invisible so it's difficult for people to recognize what is going on. Others face more noticeable challenges. Though they may be easier to recognize, that does not mean they are respected.
    I think in order to help someone and be dependable someone needs to truly understand what they are doing means. Bringing me back to one of the seminars about operating power chairs! I love the engineer who spoke to us because he went on and on and on about what getting a power chair for the first time means to someone. I think it was excellent for those who have never been around someone with a power chair. On a side note that would be an interesting blog to read, what it was like for you transitioning into a power chair.
    I think our generation does tend to be self absorbed only because that is how we have been shaped to be. This is the time of our lives we are told to think all about ourselves...figure our lives out and what not. There is a mold we are suppose to fit into.I believe in some cases it leads to people taking a really long time getting to know their true self because they are looking for it in other people's eyes.
    I think when someone faces situations that they find to be very challenging, it requires some gumption and moxie to figure things out. Life has thrown me a heck of a lot of weird and sometimes devastating curve balls. You don't just grow from these experiences but you develop a deeper sense of compassion and thankfulness for things just being "OK". I've been in many completely helpless situation and remember what it felt like not to have anyone help me! I also remember how it felt the times when someone did extend a hand to help. I was so incredibly grateful. So I don't think it is a general thing, but I think it is a lack of development.

  2. I wrote too much, it wouldn't let me publish in 1 comment!

    If it makes you feel better I spent the last week with a huge group of young 20' s somethings who had signed on to be 1 on 1 caregivers at camp this summer. I was really impressed by their attitudes. So there are some good ones out there! I spoke to many individually and they over all had a real sense of respect for what they would be doing.
    Another session was on therapeutic boundaries. Nothing really new for me personally, but I think it is a great issue that always needs to be addressed. It can be a thin line sometimes...and I think it is hard to do business with friends. Now if you are still with me, I'd like to ask you Jason what you plan to do in the future to keep history from repeating itself? You have had this problem before, and obviously it is a very important role in your life that needs to be filled by someone who understands the weight of the responsibility and can take it seriously.

  3. I’m waiting for chapter 3 of the book. It’s good so far. Lol. You’ve written more than I did on the blog itself. I like your comment about everyone learning these things. They SHOULD. Remember how you, me, and the girl who shall not be named used to say people should have to be handicapped for a day? Just to see what it was like. I wish that more people were as open as you. Especially with what you said, we all overcome chapters. Mine are just a little more different than yours. As far as what I would do if the situation occurs in my life again it leads back to the fifth amendment problem. The disabled person really has no control over it. They are completely dependent on the altruism of other people. One may say, choose a different company, move somewhere else, and yes I agree. In the future I plan to move to a city like area even though I love the country. In order to reduce the number of aide care problems--no system is perfect. No one can legislate whether or not humans actually take their responsibility for what it is. Even if I wanted to do something about it this is the one thing in my life that I cannot control. Now I am not usually to blame others but if I fired all the people that have done this to me I would have no aide care ever because at some point in the last couple of years at least one of my aides have either been fired, quit, or quit and come back. Aide care sadly is a revolving door business. Sometimes you really have to work with people you would rather not introduce to your mom or have over to dinner, but you have to do what you have to do to get by. I don’t know if this makes sense to you but I’m hoping it does.

  4. That does make sense and I totally understand the revolving door aspect. It's a tough job and not enough good people do it! I wonder though if there are aspects you could control as far as your relationships with your helpers that could establish better boundaries. You are a like able character and do have a great sense of humor. I am sure it is difficult being an employer before being an employee.

  5. haha the part about the private parts cracked me up!! as an able bodied female I have also run into uncomfortable situations! Like at the OBGYN... your on a table with your feet in the stirrups and the doctor tells you to relax and let your knees fall to your side. YEAH RIGHT!!! there is no relaxing when I know your about to be all up in my va-jay-jay! But on a serious note.... I am soooo sorry you are having issues with your aide. go for an older woman ;)

    1. Oh, Melissa Melissa Melissa. Yeah no, I’d rather go for you. ;) Just kidding. On a serious note though, yeah uncomfortable situations...there are tons in this thing they call real life. But they seem to be magnified when you are disabled. For example the other day, there was an issue with one of my new aides and using the urinal. Instead of being all awkward about it I made a joke about myself to make him feel comfortable. I guess I live for awkward and funny.

    2. See I would think it would be more awkward with an aide of the opposite sex. Like potty training my son... I don't know how to stand and pee... so he sits! :) I took care of my Grandma for a few months and some days I just wanted to cry. She would yell at me in Spanish and I would have no clue what she was saying but it still hurt my feelings.. I think it would be much easier to keep an aide as an employee and not a friend. I think that would make everything a lot easier.. I know you want to be their friend.. but you are also their boss and finding someone to do the job correctly would make life a lot easier!

    3. Yes, it is a whole lot easier with someone of the same sex. I prefer working with guys but there’s not a lot of guys in this field so I take what I can get. As far as trying not to develop friendships I find it extremely hard not to when you are so intimate with a person on a constant basis.

      It’s like I said only you two know what you are going through and eventually you need to talk about issues or vent frustrations. I don’t know if that’s just the way I see it. I would assume it would be the same in any job. It would be impossible not to make acquaintances and in some cases build friendships.


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