
Showing posts with the label Tradegy

Goodbye to the Funny Man

 I suffer many trials and tribulations like everyone else. My physical disability is an apparent battle that I struggle with. However, other battles aren't quite as obvious. Recently, the well-known actor Robin Williams took his own life because he battled depression. This is a disease, which I battle as well. The stigma of depression is overwhelming sometimes. If one finds out you suffer from depression, they look at you negatively. There are more negative consequences of depression in my estimation than with being obese or having afflictions.             With Robin Williams's death, I was set back. It shocked me that someone with such a promise and an appreciation for humor like myself, could not fight his demons anymore. It got me thinking, and to be honest, it got me questioning myself. I often wonder if I am strong enough to battle this internal struggle that I deal with every day. Hopefully, with Mr. Williams's dea...