
Showing posts with the label advocacy

America In Danger of Going Backwards: If We Forget Our History, We Are Doomed to Repeat It by Jason Hahr and Samantha Lebron

Above is a black and white photo of the 504 sit-in from 1977.  Okay, so maybe I’m late to the party. Still, I was recently made aware of a disturbing lawsuit taking place that will effectively erase the strides we have made as disabled people in America over the last several decades. The lawsuit that is slowly gaining traction, Texas vs. Becerra, is an attempt by 17 states to overturn the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protections for people with disabilities, explicitly aiming to overturn the 504 provision. I will list the 17 states that I believe are harming not only the disability community in America but America as a whole. However, before I do so, I will highlight that my home state of Florida is one of the offenders. The lawsuit is an attempt to not make America great again by using a slogan from our newly elected President. Still, in my opinion, instead, it is an attempt to return to the dark ages of disability in America. Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana...

We All Deserve a Fair Shot: Time to End Sub-Minimum Wage in America: By: Jason Hahr

America is supposedly the land of opportunity. We toute ourselves as being the greatest country in the modern world, and for the most part, I am a proud American, and I tend to agree with this statement; however, did you know that even though we are just beginning 2025, it is still legal to pay people with disabilities less than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. Let me say that again: it is still legal in the greatest country in the world to pay a group of our citizens less than $7.25 an hour. How is this possible? The rest of this article attempts to answer that question and shed light on the problem of "sub-minimum wage." People with disabilities have been a part of American society from the beginning. However, in this author's opinion, we only began to be seen as human in the late twentieth century. In 1938, there was a provision written into the Fair Labor Standards Act that allowed employers who employed people with disabilities to pay them, and I'm not ...

Breaking Down Barriers. Ignoring Stereotypes; How Ana Victoria Espino is Making History.

 When this blog began 11 years ago, it was fueled by anger and restriction, but it has since morphed into a platform for disability advocacy. I started the voiceless minority because I was denied the opportunity to even attempt to teach because of some people’s short-sightedness and preconceived notions of people with disabilities. Even though that was almost another lifetime ago, the article I read on Thursday has me wondering if I let society cut me out of my dream. They say things happen for a reason, and I am not looking to go backward and redo my life, but the accomplishments of Ana Victoria Espino, a young lady in Mexico with Down Syndrome, make me wonder if I am really doing all I can to advocate for myself and others with disabilities. I will provide a short summary of the article in this post, but I recommend you click the link at the bottom and read the article about this outstanding young woman for yourself. Ana was born with Down syndrome. Down syndrome is caused by...

The Disabled Journalist Association is Here

Okay, so anyone who has read these past few blogs I've written knows that my brain tends to explode every once in a while. Earlier this month, it was my inner theater kid, and now it is my inner advocate slash nerd. I was checking my email today when I came across Thursday’s Disability Florida Rights podcast (August 8, 2024). This podcast was a gift from the universe because it talked about something I have been dreaming of for a while. It discussed the organization called the Disabled Journalist Association. Cara Reedy founded this kickass organization. As she states in the podcast, she is a light-skinned African American woman and a little person. Throughout the podcast, it is clear that she doesn’t let her disability slow her down even though she says, “…being a dwarf does change the perception in people's head.” She outlines her reasons for starting the disabled journalist association throughout the interview. Ms. Reedy felt that there weren’t enough disabled journalists ...

Living the American Dream: What does it look like to work with a disability? Samantha Lebron answers this question in an open and honest interview.

In America, from an early age, we are conditioned to work and contribute to society; well, at least, most people are.  However, when you have a physical disability like Ms. Samantha Lebron does, you are often not expected to work full-time. Even though Ms. Lebron has a severe case of cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair, she has decided to go against the grain and become a full-time worker. Throughout the rest of this article, we will highlight a recent interview I conducted with Ms. Lebron, in which she discussed what it is like to work full-time with a physical disability. We will gain insight into Ms. Lebron’s everyday routine, and she and I will discuss topics ranging from society's expectations of people with disabilities and her thoughts on whether she thinks it is worth the extraeffort she has to do to work full-time.   J: Hello, Ms. Lebron. Thank you for answering the questions on this important topic of disability and full-time employment. Samantha Lebron: H...

The Voice of The Voiceless Is Back

  Well, the voice of the voiceless is back. I have taken quite a long break, and during that break, I wondered if the voiceless minority still needed me or if it had learned to develop its voice. While I believe the voiceless minority has made gains on its own, it is clear that it still needs the guidance of its parent and its founder, as illustrated by a series of recent events. Recently, I learned of an individual who was wrongfully treated as if they did not have a brain just because they were in a wheelchair. The rest of this blog is an open letter/memo to my loyal readers and anyone who might stumble across this blog. I hope it serves as a reminder or a sharp kick in the ass to remind people that you can't judge a book by its cover or a person by what you see when you first meet them. I was initially appalled while watching what happened to this individual, but I was not surprised when I thought about it later. Even though it is 2024, and we should be more civilized than w...

Breaking Down Barriers: The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and Its Significance to the Disability Community

Hello again, yes it’s me your friendly neighborhood super advocate. A warm welcome to all of my new readers who are checking out the blog for the first time. I want to welcome you to a friendly, engaging, informative, and sometimes funny look at anything and everything that has to do with disabilities and the disability community. To all my returning readers, welcome back. No matter which group you fall into, you’ve stumbled upon the Voiceless Minority on a very special day. Yes, it has finally happened after a decade of writing this blog - today marks the 100th post for the Voiceless Minority. I could not have done it without you. I started this blog as an outlet for my anger and the hurt I was feeling after being denied the opportunity to follow what I truly believed at the time was my passion. When I started this blog, I thought I wanted to be a high school history teacher and teach theater after school. I apparently didn’t know myself as well as I thought. They say that “things hap...

Florida SAND Fellowship Year One: A Review of How My Advocacy Has Benefited From My Fellowship

Hello again everyone. I hope everyone enjoyed yesterday’s blog on adaptive cooking and cookware. As my fellowship is coming to the end of the contract for my first year tomorrow, I felt it would be appropriate to give a nod to not only Florida SAND but my colleagues and the staff who trained us throughout this past year to thank them for helping my passion for advocacy grow.  I came into this fellowship at a weird time in my life. Before the fellowship, I had worked for Florida SAND as a per diem writer for their blog FSA Central. While this work kept the flame for disability advocacy alive and on life support, when I was presented with the opportunity to be a fellow, I immediately jumped at it. Thank you to Kelli Munn for the opportunity.  I would not be where I am today without your faith in me. However, my fellowship wasn’t as smooth of a journey as I had hoped.  About a month into the fellowship, I began to take it for granted. I had an ego bigger than the state of Fl...

The Power of Disability Advocacy: Making a Difference and Driving Change

I know I have written a lot about disability advocacy I felt it was time for a refresher/ beginner's guide for those who are reading this blog for the first time and do not know much about disability advocacy. I recommend you read this blog first and then sample my other pieces.  Disability advocacy is a formidable force that has the power to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and drive meaningful change in society. It serves as a catalyst for transforming attitudes, policies, and systems, ultimately creating a more inclusive and equitable world. In this blog post, we will explore the remarkable power of disability advocacy, highlighting how it makes a difference and drives change at individual, societal, and systemic levels. Empowering Individuals and Amplifying Voices: Disability advocacy provides individuals with disabilities a platform to be heard, acknowledged, and valued. It empowers them to advocate for their rights, express their needs and aspirations, and particip...

Florida SAND 2023 REUNITED CONFERENCE RE-ENERGIZES My passion and PROVIDES much needed SPARK For Advocacy

They say things happen for a reason. They also say for those of us who are religious that God has a way of providing exactly what you need when you need it, even if you don’t know you need it. I am living proof that this statement is true. In the following piece, you will learn that one event, no matter how small or big, has the power to change you if you allow God to implement his plan in your life. For those of my readers who don't know, I am beginning the second year of my fellowship with an organization known as Florida Self-Advocates Network’D (FLORIDA SAND). They are a nonprofit, organization made up of 15 self-advocacy groups throughout the state. The organization aims to amplify the voices of individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) on a local, state, and federal level.  According to their website, their mission is… FL SAND is an independent 501(c)(3) organization formed to expand the self-advocacy movement in Florida. It works through the support ...

Thirty Years Gone but Not Forgotten; A Letter to My Pop-Pop, My First Best Friend

This Christmas will mark thirty years since the passing of my mom’s dad, or the person I like to call my Pop-Pop. To be quite honest I've been lost in my thoughts for a few days now. Late last year I was presented with the opportunity to become a Florida SAND Fellow. The Florida SAND fellowship has allowed me not only to continue my writing which I have been neglecting for the last couple of years but equally as important, it has allowed me to strengthen my advocacy skills. There have been ups and downs throughout my fellowship but as they say, things happen when they are supposed to. As a result of my fellowship, I finally found the best friend I have been searching for my entire life. Nearly ten months ago on a dare from my caregiver, I approached my now girlfriend Samantha Lebron and started a conversation. I did not know it at the time, but God put me right where I needed to be.  For the longest time, I held a belief that I could never date someone in a wheelchair because of th...

Remembering Judy Heumann: How Her Life and Legacy Transformed the Disability Community into What It Is Today.

Disability pioneer Judy Heumann passed away this past weekend. Since my blog focuses on disability related issues I would be doing you my readers a great disservice if I did not write a piece on the late Judy Heumann, without whom this blog may not even exist.  Judith ”Judy” Heumann was born on December 18th 1947 in Philadelphia and raised in Brooklyn. She contracted Polio at the age of two. Fortunately for her, her parents did not subscribe to the popular theory on people with disabilities at the time. When the doctors suggested she be institutionalized because there was “no way she will ever walk” her parents chose not to listen.  Miss Heumann began her advocacy work in the 70’s when she fought the New York board of education over the right to teach in a classroom. She would eventually win the battle and become the first teacher with a disability in New York. Her advocacy efforts would soon reach far beyond New York.  In 1975 Ed Roberts asked Judy to move to California ...