
Showing posts with the label Florida

Sad Times in Ocala, Florida Reflect Overall Poor Treatment of The Disabled Community in America Today

 The movie-going experience has been part of American life for decades now. At the same time, being disabled has also been a part of the human experience since the beginning of time. This piece will address the idea that although we are thirty-four years into the ADA era, movie theaters in Ocala, Florida, demonstrate how little respect people with disabilities have earned in thirty-four years. Over the weekend, I was treating my friend/caregiver, who I will call Jane, on a trip to the movies for her 24 th birthday. She was nice enough to not only drive my van for only the 10 th time since she started working with me but also because my power wheelchair broke several weeks ago and there was a delay in the delivery process of my new chair; she was willing to push me around. The first of many problems we encountered that day occurred when we got to the front door. It was only then we noticed that even though disabled people do go to places by themselves without caregivers or atten...

Former FL-SAND President Eddie Hall Uses SARTAC Fellowship To Make The Outdoors More Accessible For Floridians With Disabilities

Recently Former FL SAND President Eddie Hall who is already a powerful advocate in Florida was given the opportunity to take his advocacy to a new level when he received a grant from the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center or as it is commonly known SARTAC. This piece will highlight how when presented with the opportunity Eddie took full advantage of it not only to further pursue his own interest in recreation but at the same time, he has furthered his lifelong passion to make the outdoors accessible for all.  I have known Eddie for several years now. We are both very involved in disability advocacy. Although I thought I knew Eddie I learned a great deal not only about his advocacy but on a deeper level I learned about what drives his passion for disability-related issues during an interview I conducted for a piece I was writing for Florida Self-Advocacy Central. At the beginning of the interview, Eddie explained why he became a disability advocate, to begin with...

The Disability News Network

           The news in America has become constant recycling of all the same stories. With the advent of cable news, the news is on 24/7 on some channel or another. You have three major providers, Fox News, CNN, and MSMBC. Along with these providers, you have local affiliates of ABC, NBC, and CBS. But all these channels tend to tell the same stories. Now there is a new type of news network out there.                The Disability News Network, or DNN, is a news network run by DST, Developmental Service Trainers, in Ocala, Florida. DST is a personal care company, which uses the radio station to provide a voice for people with disabilities. Currently, they do not broadcast all the time and are in the process of re-vamping their broadcast schedule. Even though they are based in the U.S., now they only have 1200 listeners. Most of their listeners come from China and Switzerland. Although this is a young radio station,...