
Showing posts with the label Handicapped

But They Said it Was “Accessible"

So yesterday was officially 3 months that the blog has been up. The Facebook page has only been up a few days but at the end of yesterday, we had 887 page views on the actual blog and 54 likes on the Facebook page reaching an outstanding 607 people. It is amazing what 3 months of my writing have produced. I have had help from so many people. Emily Ekstrand, Kelsey Waltz, and Haley Larson. I’ve also had help from a great T.V. show called My Gimpy Life  . It is this show and certain life events that inspired me to start writing again. Here’s to more success for the Voiceless Minority as we move forward! However, with all that success and cause for celebration, there are still many issues that need to be addressed.        As I have written before, the Americans With Disabilities Act was signed into law in the summer of 1990. I will not rehash it again what exactly the act covered (if you would like information on that either visit “” or m...

It’s Like We Want Our Cake and We Want to Eat it too Without Having to Work For It. Sorry, Life Doesn’t Work That Way!

A disturbing trend inspired me to write this blog.  Please note:  This blog may offend some of my disabled community, but that is  not  my goal! The goal is to express the idea that we are a minority that claims to be treated equally, but we cut corners more often than not. Because we cut corners, two things have occurred. People view us with unnecessary sympathy, and people end up taking advantage of disabilities.  Let me first explain how this blog idea came to mind. I watched  The Tonight Show  earlier this week. Jay Leno mentioned the following in this monologue; Recently, out of Florida, black market disabled people have been hired to help people skip lines. Initially, I thought it was a story that Jay was making up for a good laugh because it got one. However, upon further research, I found it to be true. Several articles have been written about the issue. Two of which are going to be footnoted below. This blog will address that, but it will al...