What's so "special"?
My Random Rantings for the Night
I haven't written in a while on the Voiceless minority. I've been busy dealing with some medical issues and capturing and taking advantage of several opportunities that have come my way. More on that later –
However, the point of this blog is to get on my soapbox. Before I do so, I must say that this blog is a straight opinion piece, and it comes from the point of me being extra picky when it comes to semantics.
The other night I was watching one of my TV shows – the WWE- when they announced a partnership with the "Special" Olympics. When I first heard this, I went all noble, and my mind took over. I said, "Oh, here we go again, the mainstream media and the able-bodied community using the disabled as 'inspiration porn.'" For those who don't know what that is, the term inspiration porn was coined by disabled activists and comedienne Stella Young. It is the idea that the able-bodied community uses their disabled counterparts' achievements to inspire them. They use simple achievements, such as getting out of bed, and they see it as extraordinary. When I first heard the announcement of the partnership with the "Special" Olympics, I made the connection between that and inspiration porn immediately, and part of me believes this idea to have merit. It needs to be further explored, which I hope to do throughout this blog.
Once I had calmed down, I reflected on the "Special" Olympics concept as a whole. The overall idea is a good one. It gives people with developmental and intellectual disabilities an outlet for an athletic competition which they may not get otherwise. My issue with the whole concept is again, I'm picky on semantics, but why do we have to call it "special"? If we look at the "regular" Olympics, the emphasis is on athletic achievement and bringing the world together, to forget all our problems for a little while. To recognize a segment of the disabled community's accomplishments, we have the Paralympic games after the Olympics. This is an excellent concept as it recognizes disabled athletes for their physical achievements, and at no point are they referred to as "special." Instead, their achievements are looked at from an athletic standpoint despite their obstacles.
The Paralympics do not get as much attention as the regular Olympics, but they still draw considerable attention. My problem is with the media's treatment of the "Special" Olympics. As I said before in this blog, the concept is a great one as it allows people with intellectual and developmental disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy and Down Syndrome to participate in athletic events. The problem comes when the media capitalizes on the concept in the wrong way. Rather than treating these athletes like their able-bodied counterparts, in this writer's opinion, most of the able-bodied community infantilize an entire population through the way these games are presented. I am not saying this from the point of no experience. I participated in these games when I was younger. In my experience, every athlete gets a medal; to illustrate the absurdity of this point, I got an award for my driving ability. Anyone who knows me knows my uncanny ability to end up in the bushes or hitting a wall when I steer myself. The medal I received was for going correctly through an obstacle course. My opponent, a good friend of mine at the time, ended behind me but received the same medal I did. It has been a long time since I competed in the "Special" Olympics, and hopefully, this practice has ended. I am skeptical. If it has not, it is a further illustration of my point that the "Special" Olympics are not designed for athletic competition. Instead, they are intended to pat participants on the head and say, good job, buddy. These participation trophies do nothing to spark a healthy interest in competition and might do just the opposite. If anyone reading this still participates in the "Special" Olympics and can prove me wrong, I gladly welcome the correction and admit my error on this blog in a future post.
Even if this is not the case, I assert that organizations like the WWE, who greatly influence the media, use their platform to showcase individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities inappropriately. Glorifying these individuals simply because they have a disability goes back to the idea of inspiration porn. On this particular episode of WWE, they highlighted one athlete in particular who was a participant in speed skating. The only problem with the way they highlighted him is that the athlete himself did not speak throughout most of the piece. Instead, members of his family and his coaches spoke for him. As a readers note, I have a family who participates in the "Special" Olympics to this day. My cousin does get great enjoyment out of the games, but our family does not treat her as extra special. They look at what she has accomplished. For them, it isn't about the medal; it is about the fun she had.
In closing, the "Special" Olympics concept is a great one, but I raise this question and point – why are the people who participate "special" just because they participate?
ReplyDeleteHa!! I tried to post a comment yesterday; and it would not take it, so that will explains the "testing" comment! :) Very good article Jay, very thought provoking. What is (or would be) your approach to changing this "title" of "special"? I notice that our church has Faith Formation(CCD) for "special" needs. There are several synonyms for this word, all which do describe the uniqueness of "dis"abled individuals. You are correct in saying..."My cousin does get great enjoyment out of the games but our family does not treat her as if she is extra special. They look at what she actually accomplished. For them it isn’t about the medal, it is about the fun she had." For all of us that have family members with disabilities; I think it is fair to say that we have had the distinct privilege of respecting that we are all just part of one big family that just happens to have family members with disabilities. I am not certain; however, that the WWE, or other entities, are wanting to capitalize on "inspiration porn" as much as wanting to bring about an awareness. Uncle Clay has participated in Wounded Warrior hunts sponsored by Mossy Oak, and there are many Wounded Warrior events promoted as well, and I don't feel it is "inspirational porn" as much as bringing about an awareness. I do not; however, qualify myself to be an expert on the subject matter simply because I have family members that are disabled. Love your write ups Jay, Very good. Would be interested in your thoughts. Miss you "kid" :) <3
ReplyDeleteLet's try this again!LOL thank you again for your readership it is again appreciated. In your comment you asked me what is my solution to the word "special" would be. The answer to this question, although it's seems complex it is very simple. Why do we have to "label" individuals at all. Labels are what is wrong with society in general. For example You're "disabled", "able-bodied", "republician/democrate" etc. we forget that we aren't labels but people first. why can't the quote "special" olympics or paralympics just be a continuation as a whole of the olympics meaning another division. As to your second point, I respectfully have to disagree. The Wounded Warrior Project. Raising awareness is different than exploitation. Yes, it might have been the WWE's intention to raise awareness, but where they went wrong was in the presentation of the segment, if they had presented it highlighting the individuals achievements first, and his disabilities second I wouldn't have had a problem with it.
DeleteBTW, I meant to add that I understand the whole point, or format of this Blog is the use of the word "Special," which is not used with the Wounded Warriors of Paralympics. I was just making a point of not thinking that the coupling of sponsors with these organizations is necessarily "inspiration porn"
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ReplyDeleteExcellent article, Jay! It's very thought provoking. I'm still trying to educate myself and better detect what "Inspiration Porn" is and what it isn't. It stinks how I still get confused sometimes. Sometimes I wish I was more educated on the matter.