Wandercraft Is Bringing The Wonder of Mobility To The Masses

I have been in a wheelchair for the majority of my life. I even had one of those cool moms who would decorate my wheelchair and turn it into a rolling Halloween costume. So, in short, I have never known life outside of a wheelchair. Okay, so I may have fibbed a little bit. I used to use a walker and do the gimp shuffle around my elementary school, but for the most part, I have always sat on my ass. While I like the view from my chair, and my feet never hurt, I have always wondered what it would be like to move my feet like everyone else. Well, now there is a company that may one day allow me to experience what walking like a “normal” person is like.

A company based in the United Kingdom known as Wandercraft has just received its second U.S. patent for an Exoskeleton that is completely hands-free and allows the user to move with the assistance of a trained companion. When I first learned about Atalante X, I was mindlessly scrolling on Facebook after posting an update on The Voiceless Minority’s page. Something told me to click on the video because the able-bodied man in the video was wearing a suit similar to the body suit I used in Poland when I was thirteen.

One significant difference was between the suit in the video and the one I wore as a kid. The one I wore was made of rubber bands and bungee cords. This shows what happens when you stop paying attention to science. The concept behind the walking suit I used has come much further since I last used it nearly two decades ago. I will link the article on the self-balancing exoskeleton at the bottom of this post, but it got me thinking: If so, much has changed in two decades; how much longer will it be until everyone experiences what it is like to walk?

The Wandercraft company is the first to receive a double patent in the United States for this product, but I guarantee it won’t be the last. The product is already used throughout Europe, Brazil, and some parts of the United States. As a journalist and blogger, I must share this information with you, the reader, so that more people are aware of the tremendous technological advances that will benefit not only people with disabilities but humanity in general.

As of now, the self-balancing exoskeleton is primarily used for those with limited mobility issues, but in an article I read on their website, https://www.wandercraft.eu/#hero-demo, the author indicates that it has just been approved for people with spinal cord injuries. This technology is in its infancy, but who knows what the next several years will hold for people with disabilities? Only time will tell. Hopefully, one day, all persons with mobility-related disabilities will benefit from what the Wandercraft company is doing now.

I have contacted the company and its founders to see if they would be willing to grant an interview to the audience of The Voiceless Minority. So, keep your gimpy fingers crossed that we hear something back soon.

Here is the article mentioned above: https://www.wandercraft.eu/articles/wandercrafts-self-balancing-exoskeleton-receives-second-fda-clearance

Until next time,




  1. Wow how cool is that ! The technology is phenomenal and I would hope to see in my lifetime.Jason making use of this.

    1. Monya Thanks for being
      a valued reader of the Voiceless Minority. Your support means a lot. I hope to get the chance to try something like it again one day. However, the price tag of $176,000. will need to be adjusted quite a bit before the technology is available to the masses...

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow! Excellent read Jay! Soooooo promising! Just went to the link and perused it and watched the video! Amazing. Looking forward to your interview with Wandercraft. Good blog Jay. Keep writing. Keep informing. Your Voice is being heard. Love you.

    1. Thanks Aunt Joan it's amazing how technology has progressed. I also appreciate you commenting on the actual blog itself rather than just the FB page. The FB comments are important but comments on the Blog drive up stats and we'll get the Blog notice faster.

  3. Jay, any response from wondercraft?,keep pushing let’s find out if your a candidate?

  4. Interesting read, I'm sure this is not the end for Wandercraft and its technological advances.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for being a valued remember of the forceless minority community. I would I let me go to bed welcome your voice as a guest blogger at any time. Love you Sam


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