Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Florida Sand, The First Time Was A Charm

So, this weekend I attended my first Florida SAND conference. At first, I wasn't sure what to expect; I had never been to an event like this. I had heard mixed reviews from those who have attended in the past. It started slow; there were a bit of technical and arrival glitches with myself and my PCA. However, once we got there, it quickly became apparent that this would not be anything like I had heard.

Friday night was a chill night; I met some pretty amazing people and lost Uno's rather exciting game of No official conference business that took place that night. Although my PCA won a bag of espresso beans for some strange reason, I was hoping we would win the autographed football but still pretty awesome.

Saturday was the heart of the conference, right away Saturday morning, I realized that something was different. My college brain had kicked in again, and I was in learning mode. I have tried two other academic endeavors since I graduated with my Masters, one in real estate and one in Political Science. Neither of those was as engaging as the Florida SAND conference was. I guess it just took my brain a while to realize that disability advocacy was what it wanted to focus on. As the Saturday session progressed, we voted on the legislative platform. Without getting into the details of the proceedings, I will say that we came up with two legislative issues: That of provider rates and transportation.

One of Florida SAND's essential functions is to provide a legislative platform for people with developmental disabilities. After the legislative part of the conference ended, we broke for lunch, where we were randomly mixed with other groups that had attended the meeting. We were then given a challenge to overcome, having the sense of humor that I find the word challenge ironic. The challenges ranged from how we would react to being denied the right to vote to the somewhat controversial challenge of meeting Donald Trump. While I am supportive of Trump, I will leave my feelings about that for another blog.

After lunch, the conference broke into my favorite sessions; characteristically, at that point, my body intervened. First, I witnessed an excellent presentation on marketing and fundraising that I was not familiar with. It was given by the head of the conference and her husband. After this, I was hoping to attend a session on recruiting allies and like-minded individuals. Unfortunately, medical issues intervened. I was able to come back near the end of the session and caught some great tidbits from a woman named Whitney and a gentleman by the name of Arizona.

 The day's final session piqued my interest because it dealt with increasing one's voice on social media. This blog has been going on for quite some time now, but I learned some valuable do's and don'ts for an increasing presence on social media and using it effectively to advance one's cause. The night ended with a dinner at a local Olive Garden type restaurant and an optional dance. Seeing as how I don't have all that great of moves with or without the chair, I spent most of the dance talking to some great people. I then went back up to my room to watch some TV before calling it a night.


The last day of the conference consisted of a general board meeting for all Florida SAND members. The conference wrapped up around midday on Sunday. Overall the discussion was very informative and very productive for me on a personal level. This was the first time that the conference had been held in nearly two years. However, it was hard to tell that there had been such a large gap between this conference and the last one. It seemed as if the conference and its organizers had put an extreme amount of effort to present a quality experience for all those involved. Some things need to be improved upon, but improvement is always a good thing; nothing is ever perfect. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Parenthood & Me

Almost two years ago, I wrote a blog about disability parenthood called "Who Says We Can't Have A Family?" In it, I discuss several issues about being a parent and having a disability. When I wrote the blog, I had just turned 27 and had a different view on life. As I am approaching my 29th birthday, my perspective on the world is somewhat the same, but on the disability and parenting issue, I don't know if I still hold the same belief.

            In that first blog, I laid out the following arguments: It is natural to want to pass genes to offspring, considering human life is just a blip in the cosmic makeup of things, and all we have are the legacies we leave behind. While I still agree with that argument, I find myself internally struggling with the question. Although I believe disabled people as a group have the right to be parents, am I, as a disabled person, capable of being a parent?

            This argument has been weighing on my mind for several days now. As much as I am bound and determined to have a family, I wonder if I have ever accepted my limitations enough to have a family. By that, I mean, I am aware that I will not hold my son or daughter. In the first blog, I laid out physical ways to overcome this. But I did not do the emotional aspect of the problem. To become a good parent, one has to be emotionally secure with his or her self, to provide emotional support to the life they bring into this world. The same could be said for people with disabilities, except on a different level. People who have disabilities have to be emotionally okay with themselves as people. I feel this could be split even further.

People who have disabilities have to not only understand their limitations physically, but they have also to know what they mean. Physically correcting or not being able to hold someone might be possible and practical, but will it compensate for the emotional closeness when they hold the child. It is issues like this that I am not able to think about. Although in the earlier blog, I have said that it doesn't matter how many poopy diapers you change or how many balls you throw, I find myself not second-guessing the statement, but wondering if it comes from the perspective of someone who has no idea what it is like to play catch. I believe quality outweighs quantity, where I am struggling, can be best summed up in this example: I love sports, so I would hopefully instill a love for sports in my children. I look at my Uncle Richard and see how much enjoyment he gets out of coaching his son and my other little cousins, and I find myself asking if they love sports and I can't play, how will it make me feel to have someone else play sports with them, even if that someone else is my wife?


This blog may seem like it contradicts itself, but the earlier blog on family, and it may be. I am not sure of my capability to not have the physical/emotional bond that comes from the physical contact with a child and be okay with that. Things may change in the future, but as of right now, for this person with a disability, parenting is not in my future as much as I would like it to be.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Good morning Baltimore

Throughout US history, race relations have been a divisive issue. Recently the death of a gentleman by the name of Freddy Graves has sparked the controversy yet again. Graves was a twenty-five year old African American living in Baltimore, Maryland; he encountered police after they stopped him for "for looking at them and then running from them." Graves was arrested and taken to jail. On the way to jail, he received a broken spine and other injuries. As a result of his injuries, he died a week after his arrest while still in police custody. His death would send the city of Baltimore into an uproar.

At first, the protest against the police treatment of Mr. Graves was non-violent. Protesters seemed to be peacefully voicing their displeasure over several issues, including the treatment of the minority community by the Baltimore police over decades. However, on the day that Freddy Graves was buried, tensions rose, and the peaceful protesters were overshadowed by violence. The violence went on for several days. It has included hurling objects at the police, luting, and burning down a CVS and senior citizen center built; there was also a planned purge at a Baltimore Mall. The rioting has raised many questions about race in this country. However, I find myself asking other questions as well.

The people that are rioting are not rioting over Freddy Graves. Instead, they use Graves' death as an excuse to voice their opinion about issues within the black community. I cannot argue with this. I say that throwing bricks and burning down buildings will not get them anywhere. It will only cause the majority of the people to overlook the protest and real issues, and instead, classify a whole community of people as thugs.  The riots have calmed down since the arrest of six officers, but we will have to see if charm city can bounce back and once again live up to its name. The exciting thing about the arrest is that there was not a race motive behind them. Three whites and three blacks were arrested in connection with the incident. The question now is, will charges stick in this case, considering that it involves law enforcement.

One final and interesting note about the Freddy Graves situation and the riots is local officials' response. On the initial day of rioting, the mayor of Baltimore said, "Let them lute, it is only property." As many have commented, this is perhaps one of the most asinine statements ever made by a political official. However, the words that came out of the Baltimore mayor's mouth were not the only mistakes made throughout the situation. The mayor's entire approach to the riots is questionable. On the first night, police were seen backing away from protestors. Since then, it has come to light that perhaps those gave them a stand-down order higher up the command chain. Whether this is true has not yet been determined, but the idea that it is even a possibility is scary. Now that the riots have concluded, the question remains "What do the Baltimore riots show us?"

As I said before, destroying one's city does not make sense to me. What it demonstrates is the lack of knowledge and ability to voice one's grievances effectively.

            The riots had little to do with one single death. Mr. Graves' death was only the tipping point in a volatile situation between two different groups with two different cultural experiences. Even in the 21st century, decades after the civil rights bus boycotts and the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., race relations are no better now than they were then. Some may say that this is a bold statement to make, I counter that even though we have a black president, there is still an institutional difference between being white and black in this country. The riots are only the latest example of hostility that may never end.



Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The waiting game

It has been a few days since I've written. I'm just writing this as a quick update. I have been in Florida for almost nine months. For the most part, things are going well. However, there is one issue that has still been a struggle for my family and me. As some of you may know, taking care of a person with a disability often requires that one rely on others' help. People who are forced to rely on support from others usually have two options; they can either pay out-of-pocket or go through a state waiver.

            It is impractical for most people to pay out-of-pocket if I used myself as an example. I need 24-hour care. Suppose one was to pay out-of-pocket at the rate of $10 an hour that would equal the following.: $240 a day, $1680 a week, $6700 a month, and $80 640 a year. This is not a practical solution for the long term. The only long-term solution is to go with a state waiver. However, the waiver itself presents problems of its own.

              If one applies for the waiver, there's generally a waiting period of several months. In my case in Florida, it has taken 8 1/2 months even to get partial aid care.

While this partial aid care helps out a little, my family is left to help with my aid care or fund the rest. While I've been dealing with this issue, it has caused me to ponder a more significant problem.

            As of now, the aid care system is not federalized. It differs from state to state. This means that if a person gets many hours in one state, it does not transfer from one to another. There is no uniform formula for determining the maximum amount of hours someone could get. For example, the maximum in Pennsylvania is 84 hours a week, whereas, in North Carolina, the max is 30-40 hours a week. I am unaware at this point what the maximum amount of hours in Florida is. But I have been told the maximum amount falls short of the 84 hours in Pennsylvania I received.

              I consider myself a moderate on most issues but when it comes to the aid care the system I feel as if the federal government needs to take over how it is run. If we can federalize healthcare, we should federalize care for those who need it the most. What would the federalization of aid care provide? It would provide a uniform system, which would examine individual needs. Still, more money would be given to the budgetary needs of the people who are using the service. This is just food for thought.


            Until next time thank you for reading & fear nothing but regret less!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Disability News Network

           The news in America has become constant recycling of all the same stories. With the advent of cable news, the news is on 24/7 on some channel or another. You have three major providers, Fox News, CNN, and MSMBC. Along with these providers, you have local affiliates of ABC, NBC, and CBS. But all these channels tend to tell the same stories. Now there is a new type of news network out there.


            The Disability News Network, or DNN, is a news network run by DST, Developmental Service Trainers, in Ocala, Florida. DST is a personal care company, which uses the radio station to provide a voice for people with disabilities. Currently, they do not broadcast all the time and are in the process of re-vamping their broadcast schedule. Even though they are based in the U.S., now they only have 1200 listeners. Most of their listeners come from China and Switzerland. Although this is a young radio station, it only has been around three years; it provides an excellent outlet for people with disabilities. Below is the link to the website where you can find the live feed to the station. I am in preliminary discussions with DNN to host a radio show. Future posts will contain more details. Thanks for reading, and until next time, fear nothing and regret less.  

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Forced Poor No More

s. If you have a disability, life is generally a struggle. It can be a struggle that can make you healthier or a battle that overwhelms you. In America, since the 1990s, the disabled community has had some form of rights to protect various aspects of life. Those rights have been talked about by me and others extensively. What has not been discussed much is the financial burdens that people with disabilities and their families have to undertake.

            To care for a child with a disability is a monumental task. It will consume the lives of people around him/or her. It will strain all parties emotionally and physically, but perhaps most of all, financially. The financial burden can range anywhere from a couple hundred thousand to millions. The financial struggle covers every aspect of life- from transportation to aid care to medical care. When the child grows up, the battle does not end.

            In America, we have a system known as social security. In terms of financial help for those with disabilities, we have two programs under the system of social security; these programs are known as supplemental security income (SSI) and social security disability insurance (SSDI). These programs provide financial assistance but perpetuate a permanent second class because, to qualify for these programs, individuals can only take a minimum of an income in the bank. The exact maximum number for a payment allowed is $2,000 in cash assets. Along with these programs, a person with disabilities can rely on Medicaid and Medicaid waivers to provide specific assistance such as aid care services and, in some cases, transportation. Although the financial aid provided by SSI and SSDI is excellent, the system has its drawbacks.  As I asserted before, the current system perpetuates a second class mentality because individuals are not treated like their peers. It also perpetuates a desire not to work in some cases because individuals on SSI or SSDI may lose their benefits if they even get a full-time job. Will the system ever change?

            The answer to that question is hopefully, yes. The hope comes in the form of something known as the ABLE Act or The Achieving a Better Life Experience Act. The act was first introduced in 2013 by a bipartisan group of Congressman, including Senators Robert Casey, Jr., and Richard Burr. So what did they teach exactly? They introduced a bill that, in theory, will better the lives of persons with disabilities significantly. Currently, there are 58 million people with disabilities in the United States. Through negotiation and compromise, the bill was signed into law in later December 2014. One of the compromises made is that the bill would cover those with “a significant disability.” It is estimated that 10 percent of the 58 million disabled people in the U.S. would qualify under this term, approximately 5.8 million people. 

Since the passage of the law, there have been several questions about what exactly are ABLE Accounts and what they cover. An ABLE account is a tax advantage savings account, which is not the same as a special interest trust or a pooled fund. These accounts are tax-exempt accounts, which can cover qualifying expenses while not taking away from a person’s illegibility for Medicaid. The qualifying expense categories are aid care, medical, transportation, and housing. Other questions about ABLE Accounts have also risen; for example, what amount can one put into an ABLE account per year. Once ABLE Accounts are established by the end of 2015, individuals can develop ABLE Accounts and put up to $14,000 a year into the account. It is essential to know these accounts are not a save all but should be used to supplement other options such as disability trust.

The hope that ABLE Accounts can provide is excellent; no longer will persons with disabilities have to be confined to a financial second class. The regulations have not been written and are only in the works; one will have to wait and see how the act is translated from paper to action. One can only be optimistic and hope that the action will speak as loud as the legislation does.


Until next time, thanks for reading, fear nothing and regret less

Saturday, April 18, 2015

"Is it Accessible?": Bubba Raceway Park


I recently moved back to the south after many years away. Not much has changed; people are still quiet, welcoming, the BBQ is always right, and dirt track racing is still the thing to do on a Friday night. Or at least what all the brochures say.  I was never a fan of dirt tracking racing when I was a kid, but I decided to give it a go since I moved back. One of the "best dirt track racing in the south" is in Ocala, Florida, at Bubba Raceway Park. When I first heard the name, I was skeptical. But then, I did more research. It's a racetrack sponsored and owned by a radio show host known as "Bubba the Love Sponge" although the name may sound different, and his show may not be your typical morning show, the racetrack is what it is advertised to be. Every Friday night beginning in March until the winter months, it is a premier dirt track course and family event.

The first time I went, I enjoyed the action-packed show while sitting near the gate while getting covered in mud. I wasn't concerned with accessibility; I was more concerned with drinking beer and enjoying the show. And I must say, I accomplished that goal quickly. I have since decided to make Bubba Raceway Park a weekly to by weekly tradition, depending on funds. Although I had fun, this blog is not necessarily meant to detail all my exploits. It is about accessibility. That brings me to my second trip to Bubba Raceway Park.

On April 17, I attended Monster Jam at Bubba Raceway Park. While I was at Monster Jam to enjoy the show, I also was there to examine accessibility. The Monster Jam show was great; it was conducted in a team-by-team format, which provided for an evening of mud flying fun. The accessibility of the park and event, however, was not so great.

For anyone who read my last blog post, they will know that 2015 marks 25 years since the ADA. The Bubba Raceway Park did not get the memo. I am aware that this is an outdoor park, so some of their requirements may be less strict, but I must say I was appalled by the venue's lack of accessibility. The trouble started when I went to park my vehicle with my friend. Nowhere on the property is there semi-hard ground to let ramps down in. For anyone who doesn't know, wheelchairs tend to get stuck very quickly in soft ground. Eventually, I could get unstuck and make my way to the tiny paved area that consisted of the line to get in. Here I found another problem. The gate that they expected me to pass through was too narrow for my wheelchair. On this one, though, I will give them credit. They allowed me to enter the seating area differently.

Earlier, I said they allowed me to enter the seating area; I very loosely use it when I display seating area. Don't get me wrong; there were bleachers for everyone else, but no designated handicap seating area. I was in my spot from the week before, sitting by some broken benches on a hill, close to the gate, which I didn't mind.  I minded the lack of control, the venue, and event staff over the area. One other handicap gentleman and I were sitting at the bottom of these broken benches with about 30-50 other people.  No big deal, right? Wrong. What I failed to mention about these people was that they were kids under the ages of 10. For those of you doing the math at home, kids under the age of 10 with no seating area designated equals kids running wherever they want to—included in the front of people in wheelchairs who can't see.

I could handle the minor inconveniences, though; I let it slide and tried to enjoy the show. What I could not let slide was the restroom facility arrangement. I don't know if it's just me not going to a lot of racing events before, or me expecting too much or racetracks not expecting handicap people, but all I could say about the restroom was that it left much more to be desired than one would like to begin with. It was not accessible for wheelchairs to enter it. There was a 3-foot step from the ground to the restroom, go-go gadget wheelchair? Oh wait, I don't have one of the fancy ones. Second and most upsetting was there answer to the non-accessible bathroom when I told the staff that I needed to use the restroom and couldn't get into it, they said something to the effect of "Block it off and go in front of the restroom by the sink and use your urinal there." So wait, I'm supposed to block off the restroom and prevent a line of drunken ass men from going to the bathroom and try to pee all at the same time? That doesn't sound like a formula for success or accessibility.


While I am stubborn and probably keep going to Bubba Raceway Park, I do not recommend anyone in a wheelchair going without a companion who is willing to go above and beyond to make sure you both have a good time. To answer whether this venue is accessible, the answer is no, but hopefully, if I keep going and complain enough, it soon will be.